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2015 IASM Award for Most Unusual Move

The Byrd Springs Substation was raised for Huntsville Utilities in November of 2014. Approximately 48 ft. wide, 58 ft. long, and 21 ft. high, this substation was raised to comply with new national safety standards. This job was awarded the Most Unusual Move at the 2015 International Association of Structural Mover's Conference in San Antonio, Texas.

2013 IASM Award for Widest Structure Moved

This house was moved in Meridianville, Alabama to make way for expansion of a runway at the Meridianville Executive Airport.  At 63 ft., 87 ft. long and 25 ft. high, this house was awarded the 2013 Award for Widest Structure Moved at the International Association of Structural Movers' Conference in Huntsville, Alabama. 

2012 IASM Award for Tallest Structure Moved "Under $30,000 Category"

In March of 2011, this silo was moved at Farley Farms in Huntsville, Alabama to be used at the entrance to a subdivision.  This silo move was awarded the 2012 Award for Tallest Structure Moved "Under $30,000 Category" at the 2012 International Association of Structural Movers' Conference in Ontario, California.   

2009 IASM Award for Tallest Structure Moved "Under $30,000 Category"

This 34 ft. tall house was moved in Kelso, Tennessee in November of 2008.  Moved one mile, this house was raised 12 feet for a new basement.  This move won the 2009 Award for Tallest Structure Moved "Under $30,000 Category" at the 2009 International Association of Structural Movers' Conference in Virginia Beach, Virginia.


2007 IASM Award for Widest Structure Moved

2004 IASM Show and Tell Award

2002 IASM Award for Most Innovative Move

1994 IASM Award for Longest Structure Moved Under $20,000

1992 IASM Award for Best Time Saving Device

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@2015 by Hollis Kennedy House Movers

Logo Design by Taylor Burton

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